Applet is missing! Upgrade to Java-enabled browser today!
Copyright (c) by Michael Mostov, 1998

Browser Compatibility Chart
Netscape 3.04 Netscape 4.04 IE 3.02 IE 4 AOL Other
Win 95 No 1 Yes! Yes! ? Yes ?
Win NT ? Yes! No2 ? ? ?
Solaris ? Yes/No3 ? ? ? ?
Mac ? ? ? ? ? ?
Other ? ? ? ? ? ?
Please help me to fill the spaces

Known Problems

1Netscape 3 crashes in the middle of the game for no apparent reason

2Win NT, IE 4: Applet doesn't load

3 Solaris, Netscape 4.04: the Netscape window freezes at a random moment (which sometimes happens already during the second game). Besides, the upper four buttons to the left from the board do not have names and look as plain black rectangles.